Thursday, March 20, 2014

'EL CONCIERTO DE ARANJUEZ" por Joaquín Rodrigo

(El Palacio Real de Aranjuéz, España)

1.  Look up Aranjuéz (Spain) and read about its historical significance, about the palace and its story, and about a Spanish composer named Joaquin Rodrigo.  Give a brief summary of what you learn on your blog.

2.  Then, listen to "El concierto de Aranjuéz" (all three movements) at the site below. As you close your eyes and listen, what are the images that cross your mind?  Why did Rodrigo write the "Concierto...?"  Which of the three movements did you like the most?  Why?

(FYI:  This piece is one of my favorite pieces of music ever written.  I think it's simply beautiful!)

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


1.  After listening to John this morning, what are the principal ideas you took away from his conversation with us? 

2.  Do you agree with the idea that non-violent resistance is more powerful and ultimately accomplishes more than violent opposition?

3.  Why is mankind incapable of achieving some level of peaceful co-existence?  Can you foresee a time in the future when "we will just all get along?"

4.  Pick one area that is currently in turmoil (Venezuela / Cuba / Ukraine / Syria, etc.) and familiarize yourself with the struggles that dissidents and reformers currently face in their respective countries. If you were a reporter on the scene in these countries, what would be the first areas you would investigate? Why? 

You can write your responses in either English or Spanish, but think out your answers well. Also, try to stay in touch with what's happening in these selected areas while we're away on spring break.  There's a lot taking place!